On October 17, 1829, Sam Patch did what he had said he would do. He perched on a platform built beside Niagara Falls, and jumped into the river a hundred feet below. A big crowd had gathered to watch Sam's well-advertised leap. The spectators held their breath as the daredevil hit the swirling water. At last his head burst out of the foam, thirty feet clear of the falls. The crowd let out a mighty roar. Men waved their hats and yelled out the expression that had become Sam's trademark : "There's no mistake in Sam Patch!" Sam began his career as a leaper in 1827, when he jumped eighty feet into the Passaic River, from a bridge that was still under construction. He was delighted with the notoriety he received. He traveled from town to town, jumping from masts, cliffs and bridges. Then he made his great conquest of Niagara Falls. Sam was spurred on by the widespread public excitement over his successful leap from the Fails. He turned to the higher Genesee Falls for his next feat. On November 13, a scaffold was constructed 125 feet above the base of the Falls. A huge crowd gathered on both river banks. At 2:00 pro, Sam climbed the shaky scaffold, made a brief speech, and jumped. Once again there was hushed silence as his body smacked the water. But this time Sam didn't resurface. Sam's body was pulled from the mouth of the river the following spring. Even so, for years afterward, a legend persisted that tile great Sam Patch was still alive. (分数:12.00)
(1).What is the general idea of the passage?
A. Genesee Fails is a dangerous place.
B. Sam Patch jumped at Niagara Falls.
C. There's no mistakes in Sam Patch.
D. Sam Patch was a popular leaper.
解析:这篇短文讲的是Sam Patch的跳水生涯,他的冒险和大众对他的关注。选项D是正确的。
(2).Sam jumped into the Passaic River from a ______.
A. cliff
B. scaffold
C. bridge
D. mast
解析:第二段。Sam Patch在80英尺的高度从一座正在建设中的桥上跳入巴塞克河。选项C是正确的。Cliff悬崖,scaffold脚手架,mast桅杆。
(3).The passage implies that ______.
A. Sam Patch is still alive
B. Sam Patch was a foolish man
C. jumping from high bridges was not very dangerous
D. Sam Patch loved to get a lot of attention
解析:第二段中作者说,他对自己获得的声誉非常高兴。第三段中作者说,Sam Patch被公众对他成功跳尼亚加拉瀑布的激动所激励。这些暗示他喜欢受到关注。选项D是正确的。
(4)."Swirling" water is ______.
A. very rough
B. cold
C. boiling
D. deep
Unless you have visited the southern United States, you probably have never heard of kudzu. Kudzu, as any southern farmer will sadly tell you, is a super-powered weed. It is a strong climbing vine. Once it gets started, kudzu is almost impossible to stop. It climbs to the tops of the tallest trees. It can cover large buildings. Whole barns and farm houses have been known to disappear from view. It has even been said to engulf small, slow-moving children, but that is probably an exaggeration. Still, wherever it grows, its thick, twisting vines are hard to remove. Kudzu was once thought to be a helpful plant. Originally found in Asia, it was brought to America to help fight erosion. It was planted where its tough roots, which grow up to five feet long, could help hold back the soil. But the plant soon spread to places where it wasn't wanted. Farmers now have to fight to keep it from eating up all the nutrients in the soil and killing other plants. It has become a sign of unemployment in the South; where there is no one to work the fields, kudzu soon takes over. The northern United States faces no threat from kudzu. Harsh winters kill off its vines. It loves the warmth of the South. But the South surely doesn't love it. If someone could invent some use for kudzu, and take it off southern farmers' lands, their fortune would be assured.
(1).This passage is mostly concerned with ______.
A. kudzu
B. farming
C. the South
D. soil erosion
(2).When fields are neglected in the South, ______.
A. erosion becomes a problem
B. farmers attack the kudzu
C. employment is bound to improve
D. kudzu soon grows over them
(3).We can conclude from the passage that kudzu ______.
A. is more helpful than harmful
B. is more harmful than helpful
C. is spreading to the North
D. holds promise as a seasonal food
(4).The author makes a case against kudzu by ______.
A. citing opinions
B. predicting its future
C. describing its effects
D. criticizing its defenders
The cultural values of a society determine the social norms of the society. The SOCIAL NORMS are the group-shared rules of behavior. These norms are the expected ways of behaving in the society based on the shared values--the purposes and goals--of that society. For example, because we place some value on physical modesty, we have the social norm of wearing clothes in public. To be an accepted member of society, one must live by the rules which that society imposes. When an individual does not behave according to these norms, that person is considered a deviant. A person who walks down the main street of an American city with no clothes on is regarded as a deviant, that is, a person who does not follow the standard rules of behavior. Some norms apply to all persons in a particular situation. For example, in our culture all persons are expected to be quiet in a library; obey the traffic signals; eat with a knife, fork and spoon; stand during the playing of the National Anthem ; and pay their bills. These are just a few of the many norms that every member of our society is expected to follow.
(1).As used in this passage, a deviant is someone who ______.
A. is a popular member of society
B. uses his money to help others
C. is a respected leader of society
D. does not obey the rules of society
(2).The social norms of a society are determined by ______.
A. the government
B. members of the upper class
C. cultural values
D. the military
(3).We can easily see that ______.
A. following some social norms is required by law
B. every person in America follows the social norms
C. social norms do not change from decade to decade
D. cultural values are the same for every society
(4).Based on the passage which of the following actions is a form of deviant behavior?
A. Being quiet in church.
B. Going to school.
C. Cheating on a test.
D. Wearing clean clothes.